Environmental Testing

Environmental Testing Services for Business Compliance

As environmental parameters take a great role in modern business, organization have started to ensure their activities adhere to the highest standards of environmental management. With a network of accredited environmental testing facilities; Material Lab helps customers to meet their environmental obligations with a comprehensive range of environmental testing services. Material lab offers comprehensive solutions to help your business implement best practices in environmental policy and procedure. Team of experts are ready to initiate every aspect of the services. The instruments used are routinely calibrated and inspected to ensure maximum sensitivity and accuracy.

List Of Testing Services

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality monitoring measures and controls pollution from sources like construction sites and cement plants. It includes testing PM1.0 particles, TSP, and gases such as Ozone, Ammonia, SO2, NO2, H2S, CO, CO2, O2, and heavy metals.

Stack Emission Monitoring

Stacks from boilers and industrial processes will carry pollutants such as SOx, NOx, particles, solvents and other dusts and gases. These can have a detrimental effect on local air quality and for this reason such emissions are often regulated. We offer Monitoring of particulates, heavy metals and other factors

Noise Monitoring / Heat Stress Monitoring

Noise monitoring involves assessing occupational noise and environmental noise pollution to protect workers from long-term exposure. We measure Leq/LAeq for max, min, and average noise levels. Heat stress is also monitored to ensure thermal work limits are met.

Illuminance (LUX) Scanning

Natural and artificial light impact human health, wellbeing, and productivity. Factors like light intensity, duration, and spectrum affect melatonin and serotonin production, influencing visual and non-visual systems. Illuminance (lux) and exposure characteristics are key determinants.

Water Quality Testing

Material Lab is equipped to sample and test water quality following standards like APHA, AWWA, BS, ASTM, USEPA, and local authorities (Dubai Municipality, RSB, EAD). We specialize in trace element analysis for potable water, groundwater, chiller water, swimming pool water, Jacuzzi water, and wastewater.