Jaran Rauø new Chair of Biotech North and two new board members

Jaran Rauø new Chair of Biotech North and two new board members

Biotech North held its annual meeting on Wednesday, April 16 and the Board constituted on April 23. Jaran Rauø from Marealis Innovation as new Chair and Jeanette Hammer Andersen from UiT The Arctic University of Norway continues as Vice Chair. We welcome two new board members; Olav Lanes from ArcticZymes and Morten Elde from Norinnova.

We would also like to thank the resigned Chair Børge Sørvoll and board member Asbjørn Lilletun for their long and valuable effort for Biotech North.

The board of Biotech North now consists of:
Chair Jaran Rauø, Marealis Innovation
Vice Chair Jeanette H. Andersen, UiT The Arctic University and Norway
Randi Karlsen, Brødrene Karlsen AS
Jan Erik Olsen, Calanus
Birthe Vang / Kjell-Åge Rognli, Nofima
Torgeir Hjerde, Kvalvik Bluebio AS
Olav Lanes, ArcticZymes
Morten Elde, Norinnova

Zølvi Pedersen, Troms and Finnmark County Council
Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund, The Research Council of Norway
Randi Abrahamsen, Innovation Norway


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